
Job Interview Tips

Finding work, it's something we all have to do at some point. Given the state of recent events with the economy, finding a job can be even more frustrating and time consuming. So when your resume is looked at by a potential employer, and they call you in for an interview you want to give them every reason to make them think you're the right person for the job. Below I've listed some things to consider for the next time you're going in for a job interview

Before you go know who they are

One question that I've been asked every time I've had a job interview is "Why do you want to work for us?" Having an answer like "Because I need a job" probably will guarantee your not getting hired. Think of it from the employer's point of view, an answer like that makes you not only look lazy, but uninterested and couldn't give a dam. Spend some time looking into what the company has to offer. Obviously you applied to them for a reason, so what about them interests you? Do they have great benefits, or you can get promoted quickly? Do you have a buddy who works for them and told you their great to work for? Whatever the reason let them know.

Don't be a slob

I’m always surprised when going in for an interview at just how many show up looking like they just crawled out of bed with a hangover. While not every job requires a suit and tie, this doesn’t mean showing up looking like crap. If you can't afford a suit make sure that what you wear is clean, has no tears, no inappropriate language or logos, and neat as in no wrinkles and not looking like you spent the night sleeping in it. Try to also keep the colors appropriate and conservative. (No hot pink) Also don't show a lot of skin unless the job you’re applying for is for a stripper or porn star position

Appear confident

When you go in for your interview your body language tells a potential employer a lot about you before you even say a word. A sloppy posture, looking down all the time, avoiding eye contact, and fidgeting with objects like a pen show nervousness, a lack of confidence, or even that you're uninterested. It can also give the appearance that you don't know what you’re doing when you could know the job inside out. Make sure that you square your shoulders and look up, not down at the floor. When spoken to make eye contact but don't stare them down or stare at them as if you’re off in space. Speak in a clear voice, don't mumble and breathe. Remember this is a job interview not an interrogation.

Be honest

Whatever you do don't make up crap about your previous experience, such as that you were the CEO of a multi million dollar company when you were actually the guy in charge of cleaning the toilets. People hate liars, and if you’re caught you can kiss that job goodbye. It may also burn other related opportunities, especially when using a job placement agency. At the same time don't be brutally honest, this is especially important if you’re asked questions about previous jobs. It's important no matter how much you hated that last job not to bash them because it makes you not them look unprofessional.

Use manners

I’ve never had a job interview where I wasn't on my best behaviour and I can swear like a trucker. However when in an interview that gets pushed aside and everything is "Yes sir" "Thank you ma'am". ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS use manners when in a job interview. Obviously different jobs are going to have different standards when it comes to how casual things are run, and you'll probably get away with a fair bit. But when you’re not an employee be as professional as possible. Courtesy and respect can go a long way in a job market that’s competitive. Remember it’s all about impressions, you can have all the skills but if you come off as a rude jack ass they probably won’t hire you.

Don't be a wind bag

You don't need to give every question an answer that's as long as your life story. If they ask for example your educational background, don't go off on a tangent about why you picked this course or that school, unless you're asked. Keep your answers short, friendly, and to the point. Remember you're trying to sell yourself as the right person for the job, not putting them to sleep with answers that take forever. Keep in mind that employers have a short attention span from having to interview dozens of potential employees, and review hundreds of resumes per position.

Don't appear desperate

Let’s say the interview goes well and they offer you a job right away, should you accept right away? Depends on your much you're impressed with the position offered, if it all looks good, then I say yes. But if you have any doubts, another job offer on the table to a similar job, or you think what their offering in pay or benefits could be better, then ask for a day or two to make your decision. Be honest about it and let them know you need some time to think about their offer.

Don't be afraid to try to negotiate for a higher wage, especially if you have lots of experience and training that sets you above the competition, this won't really apply to jobs that have a fixed wage. But jobs that have a "negotiable salary" or commission have wiggle room.

Always thank them for the interview

Even if you didn't get the job or the job doesn’t interest you after you've found out more about it ALWAYS thank them for their time and the interview. It never hurts to leave a copy or two of your resume in case another position becomes available that you might be better suited for. You never want to burn any bridges.

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