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Why Your Site Needs A Privacy Policy Page

Having a privacy policy for your website or blog is a way to declare to your viewers and subscribers on what happens with any information that’s collected on them, why it’s being collected, and how that information is being stored. This is a vital component to your site if your site is for business, or if you have a website that uses affiliate type advertising in order to earn revenue such as Amazon or Google Adsense. In fact not having a privacy policy will get your affiliate account banned on most sites, so apart from that and covering your back to protect yourself from legal action are good enough reasons to have privacy policy.

You want to ensure your privacy policy is written in a clear to understand format. (No big fancy words especially if your website is being translated into another language as this can make it even more confusing) You also want to make it as detailed as possible. (I’ve seen policies as long as 2500 words)

What your policy needs to cover

Some of the things your websites privacy policy should cover are:

1. Your contact information in case a user has a question or concern.

2. What type of information is being collected?

These are things such as email addresses, mailing information, billing information, credit card numbers, medical information, age, sex, and country of origin to name a few. Remember not to go overboard when asking your users to provide information.

3. Does you site use tracking cookies particularly by third parties such as Google Analytics or similar sites that track websites traffic?

4. Provide information to your users how they can unsubscribe if they don’t want to receive notifications from you.

5. How your users can update their information such as changing their name or updating their address

6. If your site is passing information if any to third parties, and if so what’s the nature of these third parties, are they affiliate sites, or an online survey?

7. How the information you gather is stored, if it’s stored at all and how you’re making it secure. Not to mention how long is that information going to be stored for?

8. Any changes to tracking activities.

How should you make your policy visible?

Like a sitemap, or contact page you want to make your privacy policy easy for your users to find. Adding it to your sites main menu bar is one way to ensure that it’s easily found on all your pages. Other ways you can display links to it are to add a link beside every form your site has or at the bottom of your contact page. You can even make it part of your contact page by adding it in small text at the bottom.

Free Policy Generators

There are dozens of sites to choose from if you want to create a privacy policy quickly, many of them require little more then adding your sites URL address and it generates it automatically. Remember to check over the policy you’ve created to ensure it fits your site and needs the needed criteria as these kinds of polices are one size fits all. If you’re site is a professional business you might want to consider creating a policy from scratch that fits your sites custom needs better.

While there are many free policy generating sites to choose from, one I found works really well is at . Not only does it take only about a minute to create, but you can also include affiliate advertising info as well. Once you’ve created it and added it to a page on your site it’s easy to modify with any additional information you think might be needed (obviously the more the better). To see an example of what you can check out mine here. 

At the end of the day a privacy policy is only about half of what you need to protect and informing users about the information that’s being collected and why, and to cover yourself. The other half comes from you adhering to those rules and guidelines, and answering questions and concerns any users might have.

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