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7 Ways To Get More Traffic From Stumbleupon

In my opinion Stumbleupon is one of the best ways to get more traffic to your to your site, especially if it’s brand new and your looking to get noticed quickly. If you’re not familiar with Stumbleupon it’s a web based service that allows you to discover websites, blogs, and videos without having to use traditional methods such as Google. Instead you can choose what topics you want to look for, click stumble and your randomly shown sites that meet your search criteria, if you like it you can give it a “thumbs up”. What makes this so appealing to site owners is that the more thumbs up your site gets the more times it’ll appear when that topic is searched.

With Stumbleupon generating around 25 percent of all social networking traffic (According to StatCounter) this is something you want to get a piece of. To make sure you get the most from Stumbleupon here are some things you can do to get more traffic.

1. Don’t Submit Crap

Once you sign up for a Stumbleupon account your first impulse will probably be to submit every page of your site. Obviously you want to submit your website or blog to them, otherwise how else will you get more traffic. This doesn’t mean however that every page is ready or should be on there. Before you submit anything look through your site and see what posts and pages are the most appealing. The theme behind Stumbupon is viral marketing, so if you have a page that you don’t think is that good, don’t submit it.

2. Do some stumbling

If you want to know how to get more traffic from Stumbupon you need to see what works and what doesn’t. Take some time and see what’s already out there. What are the most popular websites on there, what content do they display, and what would you give a thumbs up to are questions you should be asking yourself when you’re looking to promote your site.

3. Be eye catching

Most of the people browsing online have a shorter attention span then a flea. This is in part due to the constant information bombardment we get on a daily basis. Because of this we tend to filter out anything most of what we see. Make sure before you submit any content that it’s as visually appealing as possible. Your web pages should have a clean easy to look at display. Add videos, interesting pictures, whatever you think will help get them and keep their interest. This also doesn’t mean slouch off on the content, obviously if your content is crap nobody is bother sticking around.

4. Promote Stumbleupon on your site

You’re not going to have traffic coming from the same source. You’re going to have people come from different websites, Google searches, other search engines, and other social networking and book marking sites. At the very least you should have some type of Stumbleupon button they can use to share your content. You can also use contests, feeds, and newsletters to help promote your site.

5. Use the tools

Stumbleupon has tools you can use to track your traffic USE THEM. Find out what works and what doesn’t and make necessary changes to help improve your traffic.

6. Get reviews

Sites on Stumbleupon that get more reviews get more attention. Nudge your visitors to leave a review of your content.

7. Be active

Spend some time and be active on the community. Follow others, send messages, thumb up their content, and write reviews. The more active you are the more people will know about you, and the more who know about you the more will visit your site. Also make sure you download their toolbar, this will help get your content on Stumbleupon easier.

With some time and consistency you should start to see in increase in your traffic in no time.

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How many times has this happened to you when searching online? You find several links to sites that look like they have the information you’re looking for. However when you go to those sites you find only a few ads and nothing but a couple lines of useless text. (If you’re lucky to even find that) So you go back and look around some more and find another link that takes you to another site like exactly like the first one.........
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