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How To Get Your YouTube Videos More Hits

YouTube and other video sharing sites like Vimeo for example are great places to get traffic to your website or blog. But there only as effective as the traffic those video receive, makes sense right.

Obviously if your videos are getting next to no hits, your website will see little to no increase in traffic, which in a word sucks. So for this post I'm going to go over some simple steps you can use if you’re new to YouTube to help get your videos noticed. In the next post I'll cover some ways you can take those videos and use them to get traffic back to your site.

1. Be Active

You would think this would be a no brainer right? But I'm surprised that many people simply throw up a video and leave it thinking it's going to go viral and get thousands of hits. Think of it like going to a party, how often do you see the people who sit in a corner sipping on a drink get attention? Probably not often, it's usually the people are outgoing and talk or dance or even make an ass of themselves that get the attention. I'm not saying make an ass of yourself, but I am saying that you need to be social; it is a social network after all. Post comments, subscribe to videos, give them a thumbs up, and send messages to your favourite YouTuber to get yourself noticed.

2. Respond To Comments

This goes hand in hand with being active. This lets viewers know that you appreciate their feedback. It also gives you a chance to pick their brains and find out what methods they use to get views, or how to make your videos better. When it comes to hater comments though don't bother responding as these people are bashing your content either because their seeking attention for their own videos, or they feel like a big man because they can hide behind a computer screen where it's safe. Either way don't let the haters get to you.

3. Share This

If you look below where your video is you have the option to share your content with other social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and Digg to name a couple. Sign up to these accounts so you can post your videos and expand where your video can be seen. Remember not to spam or your videos will start to get ignored.

4. Do A Tutorial Video

Everybody knows something about something, so why not do a tutorial and share what you know. These types of videos can get tonnes of hits as viewers are constantly looking up how to do things. Personally when I need to look up how to do certain things when it comes to video editing or a game that I'm stuck on, or something internet related, YouTube is usually the first place I check.

5. Create Videos That Fit Into A Niche

If you like to create fan made movie tributes for example, try to find movies that don't have a lot of videos about them. When I made a video tribute to Zombie Strippers, when I posted the video there were only about 6 other videos so I was easily able to get a lot of hits from this. Also because there are hardly any videos (I think there’s almost 200 now) my video is in the number two spot and is a featured video. While I haven’t gotten hundreds of thousands of hits, it does show that even if you’re not that well known you can still get a lot of hits.

6. Know Your Audience

This will take a couple of videos to understand who's watching your content and when. Once you do though you want to post your new videos close to the time that they would normally be online. This is important because when online a link to your video will appear on their notification list. Post your video too soon and your video will be at the bottom of their subscription list meaning they might not see it. Post too late and there probably off doing something else.

7. Video Responses

These are great because they give a link back to your video that viewers can follow to your content. The most popular responses are usually those that respond to questions or discussions created by another YouTuber. This allows you to respond to a question or statement while gaining traffic for yourself.

8. Allow Embedding

I've noticed that many users have this feature turned off so that there videos can't be shared on other websites, blogs or forums. While some videos because of copyrighted content might not be allowed to be embedded others do this to try to protect their content, or simply just don't want to share it. Personally I think this is one of the best ways to get not only traffic but links to your YouTube channel page and your website if you included a link to it. Allowing embedding means that anyone who likes your video can post it to their site. Many who write articles or blogs do this to help emphasize a point their trying to get across that's easier to do with a video rather then text.

It doesn’t mean they own the content because you still have control over it, you can always turn this feature off if you don't like where it's ending up.

9. Post Original Content

By original content I mean put your own style into your videos, regardless of the type of video your making. Your going to find that there are lots and lots of others who are doing similar things. For example lets say your making a fan made tribute video to Star Wars, if you type in the search box "Star Wars Music Video" your going to get as of when this post was put up just over 500,000 results for that keyword alone. It's a safe bet to assume that there are at least a few videos that use similar music. That's not to say you shouldn't make one to Star Wars, or Mad Max or whatever type of video you want. Just put your own spin on it and don't copy what someone else made. Also don't download someone else's video and repost it as your own.

10. Post Frequently

Don't just throw up a video and leave it, add other videos on a regular schedule so that your audience keeps interested, and more importantly keeps coming back. However you don't want to over post, then it just looks like spam and the subscribers you do have will start to leave. Depending on the type of video your doing I recommend anywhere between 3 to 4 days or about once a week, again that depends on the type of video your doing. Video blogs or "Vlogs" are a lot easier to put together then a fan made music video.

Hope this helps, please stumble this page if it does. Remember to be consistent and patient when trying to boost your videos hits. But more important remember to have fun and post videos because you want to post videos, not because you feel you have to.

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