last exorcism and case 39 review


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Case 39 And The Last Exorcism Movie Review

Today I watched two movies The Last Exorcism and Case 39. Here are my thoughts and review of both movies.

The Last Exorcism

if you’ve seen other horror movie documentary types such as the Blair Witch Project or Paranormal Activity this movie fits right in. It’s also a movie that seems to try to go for a low budget tribute to The Exorcist. Even though the mockumentery sub genre in horror movies is getting real old real fast, this movie overall isn’t bad.

The story follows Reverend Cotton Marcus (played by Patrick Fabian), who has given up on his faith, and performs fake exorcisms as a way to make money. He teams up with a film crew to film his last exorcism at a remote rural Louisiana farm as a sort of a confessional documentary. The exorcism is to be preformed on a teenage girl whose fundamentalist father believes is possessed by a demon.

They soon realize that things are far worse then what he expected to be a routine exorcism and that something evil is actually happening.

Compared to other exorcism type movies such as The Exorcism of Emily Rose, or The Exorcist, The Last Exorcism isn’t that bad and worth checking out, even though it has the feel of been there done that when it comes to what’s almost expected in a horror movie. I personally liked the fact that Reverend Marcus was more slimy used car salesmen then anything near a servant of God displaying his “tricks of the trade” including a smoking crucifix, hidden speakers playing demonic like sounds, and charismatic demeanour that he used to essentially lie his way into their wallets.

That being said the ending leave much to be desired as it’s predictable and is uncomfortably close to The Blair Witch Project with the running camera and screaming bit. But if your looking for a simple movie that you don’t have to put a lot of thought into then this is a good choice the next time your at the video store.

Case 39

Case 39 is about a social worker named Emily Jenkins (played by Renee Zellweger) who intervenes on what appears to be a couple of extremely disturbed parents who are about to roast their daughter Lilith (played by Jodelle Ferland) in their kitchen stove alive. After some convincing of her peers Emily is granted the right to let Lilith live with her until foster parents can be found. Soon after it’s revealed just how evil this little girl is when people start to die and her true nature is exposed.

As far as movies go that have Renee Zellweger this one isn’t bad if you like movies like The Ring. Callum Keith Rennie who plays Lilith’s father plays an excellent and very creepy psycho right down to the “I want to eat your liver with some fava beans while enjoying a nice glass or merlot stare down and eye twitch he gives Renee Zellweger’s character at the beginning of the movie.
Also special attention should be given to Jodelle Ferland who plays Lilith as being one of the creepiest kid characters I’ve ever seen in my life, she also kind of looks like the creepy dead girl who came through everybody’s T.V and killed them in The Ring.

While the movie is entertaining enough, don’t expect anything that you haven’t seen in a thousand other and probably better made horror movies. All the typical plot twists you’d expect are there. It’s pretty much the same old thing that’s been shown to death when it comes to horror movies, and this one is no different. All that being said if you’re looking for a movie that you don’t have to really think much about to get into watching it then it’s not bad.

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