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5 Tips To Get Website Traffic

We all want to get more traffic to our websites, blogs, and any other online content you might have. Getting website traffic though can be frustrating, especially if your brand new to the game. This is a list of some basic things you can do to help get website traffic. 

1. Write content of value 

Before you do anything else this should be your primary concern. After all you can have the best looking site, all the flash and gadgets and everything else. But if your not offering anything that people would want to see there going to take one look at your site and never come back. Always focus on providing the best and most valuable content you can. 

2. People like shiny things 

What this means is to make your site appealing to eye by having things to grab their attention. Apart from obviously having a neat organized appearance, use videos, graphs, and pictures to get their attention and emphasize points. Don’t be afraid to throw a funny picture or video as long as it relates to the content of your site.

3. Build your links 

This one takes work and time but will pay off when it comes to getting website traffic. Your going to want to go out an manually find ways to get links to your site. This means doing such things as guest blogging on other sites (remember to always include a link back to your site or a specific page when guest blogging), exchanging links with similar sites. Build a network of smaller sub sites such as blogs that you can use to post links to that point to your main site. 

Other ways on how to get website traffic through building links are to buy links, which I don’t recommend if you don’t have a steady income, and to write “link bait”. Link Bait is basically a webpage that’s worth linking to. This can be in the form of a picture, story, a list post (10 reasons why you should write a list post for example) 

4. Have at a basic grasp of SEO 

SEO or search engine optimization is a term that gets thrown around a lot. Why is it important when it comes to traffic? The search engines use bots to crawl the web looking for websites, blogs, articles, whatever the online content and catalogue and sort it accordingly based on popularity and links. This means if you have a blog on cars you won’t end up in the number one spot for chew toys for dogs. 

5. Comment on other blogs and websites 

Want to get noticed and get links at the same time, simply leave comments on other sites. Remember when it comes to leaving good comments you first don’t want to spam them with links to your site, leave junk comments like “Hi cool site” or “You suck” which offer nothing to the post or let that site owner if their doing anything wrong. You also don’t want to bombard them with tonnes of comments at once, though it’s good practice to visit their sites on a regular basis, not just to drop comments but to build links and relationships with other site owners as well. 

The biggest thing to remember is that this takes time. If you do something everyday such as submit links to social book marking sites, write an article, or comment on another site it all adds up, so be patient and stick with it. Also don’t fall for those scams that promise you thousands of hits every day for money. These are crap sites offering a scam nothing more, and you’ll just be wasting your money and hurting your sites search rankings in the process.

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10 Reasons Why You Want To Write A List Post

When it comes to adding content to your site one effective method is to write a list post. Why should you write a list post? Because a list post provides an easy to read format that allows your visitors to quickly scan content in an easy to follow format. And while well written original content with useful information will always be better at keeping your readers coming back, writing list posts will get them in the door. Here are some of the reasons why you should write a list post.........

5 tips to get website traffic
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